Well, reading my last post I was struck how much time has passed in which I *should* have gotten a house!
It didn't happen...or I guess more accurately, hasn't happened yet.
The appraiser messed up the appraisal. Completely and totally screwed it up, then the lender didn't notice (we have doubts that he even looked at it, although he kept it on his desk a few days...) and finally the lawyer noticed when she did the title search.
BUT, all that mess is in the past, and we have a closing date! Feb. 26! I'm SO excited! I am SO ready to move!!! I've had everything packed up for weeks, and it is very difficult to live around boxes...I'm not actually living out of boxes, because I didn't pack things I use frequently yet, but still we have boxes piled on top of everything.
One other thing...a mixed blessing...the ferret died. He was old for a ferret (7 next Tuesday) and we knew he was going to go eventually. One day he went up to his hammock on the top level of his cage (4 levels, and the past year or so he's slept in a box on the bottom level and not attempted the top two levels at all) and he curled up in his hammock and died. I thought that was sweet. He came with the hammock (he was given to us) so I wondered if there was some remembering youth and the beginnings of his life as he went. I checked on him just as he was getting in the hammock, and I picked him out of the cage and held him a bit, and petted him and took him around to kiss everyone, so I think he died peacefully. Honestly, it's a bit of a relief, not having to find a place for a huge cage! ; P
I've decided against having a chalkboard wall in the kitchen....in favour of a pantry! It suddenly hit me that the kitchen is large enough to have room for my DH to build a pantry in! SO, I've gone on to convincing him I NEED a pantry, and he agrees...MUCH more than he ever thought I needed a chalkboard wall. lol
Oldest daughter saw a vintage vanity at a salvage store and said she'd like to have one...and Monday someone gave us one!

(Much like this one, only not painted, and lion drawer pulls....and I think the legs might be a bit shorter...)
I can't wait! I'm so excited about it! Hopefully we'll have it ready to move into by the first of March....woo-hoo! ; )