Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Mountain

Clinch Mountain is "my" mountain.......

Let me explain.

I didn't even know it myself two years ago.

When we were house shopping we looked over three counties for a house. Only one of those counties had mountain views.....and I realized I *needed* my mountain. We looked at several really nice houses in those even had something like 17 rooms!....but nothing could be "really" considered, because it wasn't the right place.

I wasn't raised on the mountain, but I have lived within sight of it all my life. When I was small I lived in the foothills and if you climbed to the top of the hills you could see the mountain. When I was 12 we moved to an old farmhouse at the base of the mountain, separated only by a creek, and I spend lots of lovely hours exploring the mountain. When I was 16 we moved again, this time onto actual mountain land. :)

After I was married I spend 1 year on the opposite side of the mountain, then we moved back to where I lived when I was small and after that all my moves were repeated. ;) I just realized that while writing this.....foothills,at the base across a creek, then back onto my mountain.

Our house is situated so that while I actually *own* mountain land - yay! - every morning when I wake up I see the mountain, too...I LOVE it!

I hear rumours that the farm I grew up on is being logged, but I haven't been back in about 6 months. It doesn't bother me as much as I would have once thought, because I have my own little piece of heaven.....I mean mountain.... ;)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

An Entire Year!

My library shelves are nearly finished....I LOVE my library!

After living here for a year some things have become more obvious than they were at the beginning....

At the edge of the garden isn't a good place for the asparagus bed.

The basement *does* leak - usually after two solid days of rain. When it leaks the trough around the edge of the walls doesn't help much, because it's leaking through cracks in the walls which squirt.

The attic REALLY needs lights! ;)

Someone...not naming any names, but it's the only other adult in the household ;)....should clean off the doggone carport. We moved a Year ago, for Pete's sake! (Who is this "Pete" of which we speak?)

Everyone else in the house has Too Much Stuff! LOL (Of course, *my* stuff is just the right amount.) ;)

I LOVE living here!!!

The lilac bush lived, the pear and plum trees lived, the bulbs I planted last spring came up and Bloomed this spring, and my garlic is looking Awesome!

The bulbs Ms. Ruth gave me are coming up....alliums I think, but having never seen them in bloom I can't really say. ;)

Some of the cannas froze last winter :( But the lilies are growing and even Spreading!

It's all good. :)